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Essentials iPhone 13/14 recycled TPU cover, black

Förstasidan Telefoni Mobiltelefontillbehör Essentials iPhone 13/14 recycled TPU cover, black
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Essentials iPhone 13/14 recycled TPU cover, black (1110952)

Essentials iPhone 13/14 recycled TPU cover, black


The recycled TPU cover comes in very slim design, but offers excellent both back- and side protection. The black cover gives you a cool, clean design of your phone while keeping it slim and lightweight. It is made of strong, thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), which makes the cover comfortable to hold. The cover allows access to all buttons and ports such as charging port, cameras etc. As always, the Essentials collection has been built with style, quality and protection in mind.Cover is made from recycled materials and the FSC package is made from responsible sourced wood to help to make the world a better place.

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