CISCO IOS IP Base - Uppgraderingslicens - 1 switch
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CISCO IOS IP Base - Uppgraderingslicens - 1 switch
New LAN Base Option for Cisco Catalyst 4948 Switch and 4948 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch
New Feature: Cisco IOS LAN Base Option
Previously, the Cisco Catalyst® 4948 Switch supported two software images: IP Base for basic Layer 3 deployments and Enterprise Services for Layer 3 deployments. Starting with Cisco IOS® Software Release 12.2(52)SG, a LAN Base option has been added, providing a three-tiered software model. The LAN Base option provides a limited feature set designed for Cisco® customers who need data center-class hardware but do not need the enhanced security, routing, and management features offered in the IP Base image.
The Cisco Catalyst 4948 Switch and 4948 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switch each have three part numbers for ease of ordering. WS-C4948 and WS-C4948-10GE now have LAN Base as the default image instead of IP Base. Both switches can be fully upgraded to IP Base or Enterprise Services with the purchase of software upgrade licenses. The -S and -E SKUs will still include IP Base and Enterprise Services, respectively.
• Configurable part number: WS-C4948 and WS-C4948-10GE: Customer-selectable software, power supply, and power cords
• -S part number: WS-C4948-S and WS-C4948-10GE-S: Cisco IOS Software IP Base image bundled with one AC power supply and customer-selectable power cord
• -E part number: WS-C4948-E and WS-C4948-10GE-E: Cisco IOS Software Enterprise Services image bundled with one AC power supply and customer-selectable power cord
Ordering Information for Image Options
Part Number |
Default Cisco IOS Software Image |
Power Included |
WS-C4948 |
LAN Base |
No |
WS-C4948-S |
IP Base |
1 AC power |
WS-C4948-E |
Ent Serv |
1 AC power |
WS-C4948-10GE |
LAN Base |
No |
WS-C4948-10GE-S |
IP Base |
1 AC power |
WS-C4948-10GE-E |
Ent Serv |
1 AC power |
Software Ordering Information
Part Number |
Description |
S49LB-12252SG |
Cisco Cat4900 IOS LAN BASE w/o Crypto |
S49LB-12252SG= |
Cisco Cat4900 IOS LAN BASE w/o Crypto |
S49LBK9-12252SG |
Cisco Cat4900 IOS LAN BASE SSH |
S49LBK9-12252SG= |
Cisco Cat4900 IOS LAN BASE SSH |
S49IPB-12252SG |
Cisco CAT4900 IOS IP Base w/o Crypto |
S49IPB-12252SG= |
Cisco CAT4900 IOS IP Base w/o Crypto |
S49IPBK9-12252SG |
Cisco CAT4900 IOS IP Base SSH |
S49IPBK9-12252SG= |
Cisco CAT4900 IOS IP Base SSH |
S49ES-12252SG |
Cisco CAT4900 IOS Enterprise Services w/o Crypto |
S49ES-12252SG= |
Cisco CAT4900 IOS Enterprise Services w/o Crypto |
S49ESK9-12252SG |
Cisco CAT4900 IOS Enterprise Services SSH |
S49ESK9-12252SG= |
Cisco CAT4900 IOS Enterprise Services SSH |
WS-C4900-SW-LIC |
Catalyst 4948 IP Base Upgrade License for LAN Base IOS |
Antal licenser | 1 licens/-er |
Plattform | Catalyst 4900 |
Kompatibilitet | Cisco Catalyst 4948 |
CD-enhet | Nej |
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